Spiritual Healing for people, pets and places

I offer healing sessions, usually at a distance, as I tune in to the energy fields of my clients. I ask for each client to state in one clear sentence what they would like to achieve during their session and we ask for that to be made possible, calling on the Highest Source of Pure Light and Love. I act as a conduit, and yet it is my work, so I do ask for payment as an energy exchange. The session lasts an hour spread over two days because I share any messages I receive and assist you in interpreting dreams you may like to share with me.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

I am also an EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Access Consciousness practitioner. These techniques focus one’s attention on clearing drama and trauma and making the energetic pathways smoother and more harmonious for each individual.

Access Consciousness

I see my work as being similar to Roadside Assistance. If our car breaks down, it is a comfort to know there is someone to call and that staying stranded on an open highway isn’t necessary. Suffering isn’t noble, in my opinion, and you can grow through an experience swiftly and surely.

Therapeutic or holistic massage

Therapeutic or holistic massage is also available, depending on the client’s expectations and understanding that my work is for relaxation only, which means no ‘happy endings’ for male clients.

For each of these services, you would pay $90 using the attached form.